Wednesday 28 December 2011

Veneer Matching

Slip Matching

Book Matching

Random Matching

Continuous end match

Examples of Wood veneers

Friday 18 November 2011

Reactive surfaces

Reactive surfaces
Transform your floors, walls, or any surface, into dynamic multimedia interactive visual
displays. Engage people with interactive floors, tables, walls, bars, counters, screens or even
windows.Created by communication.

Created by Loop pH, they create reactive surfaces often inspired by natural forms. This example works when the space becomes darker the blind becomes brighter, maintaining a balance in the light level.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Theo Jansen

kinetic sculpture beach

Thomas Heatherwick

Beach Cafe, 2007


Materials House, 1999

Rolling Bridge, 2004

Taboo Lounge Bar, Brazil





This restaurant was designed by a brazillian architect; Guilherme Torres who took inspiration from clubs in New York and Paris to redesign this existing bar. The metal surrounding acts as a case for the building but the illuminated lights give a sense of warmth that continues into the interior.

Tim Walker

 Beds on cars, Northumberland 2004

Lily ans spiral staircase, Whadwhan, Gujurat, India 2005

Lily Cole and giant pearls, Northumberland 2004

Karlie Kloss & cracked humpty dumpty, East Essex 2010

Tim Walker I one of my favourite fashion photographers for his extravagant staging and use of props. I like this mystical/vintage style that he captures throughout his work.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Active Surfaces

Louis Vuitton stairs, Rome. This moving surface would make you feel dizzy or disorientated when trying to climb the stairs.